Monday – Sign up online for Tuesday’s Last Chance Meet at Hermantown or at practice.
Ribbons/Medals given out from St. Francis and Matt Kero.
Captain Applications DUE.
Tuesday’s Meet – Dismissed at 2:30 and you must provide your own transportation. However, 1 bus will leave at 2:45pm and will return after the meet if you have no other transportation options. This is an unlimited entry meet so everyone can participate. This may be the last meet for some of you so please make the best of it. Try your hardest and end your season with a Personal Record!
Wednesday – Team Voting (EVERYONE PLEASE SHOW UP!)
Starting Thursday only the Section Team will be practicing. Training will soon be over and we will be working on specific areas to cut fractional times (relay exchanges, starts, etc) and increase distances. If you are on the section team, please take it easy and follow your coach’s directions and NO OTHER SPORTS. Everything you have done up until now has been to prepare yourself for Sections/State so make it your priority.
May 2, 2014 – Monday 5-6pm Auditorium – End of Year Team Banquet (letter winners, awards, captains)