NO MEET FRIDAY – Duluth Public Schools are CLOSED and all activities are cancelled.
You can print the Packy Time Schedule and Order of Events by clicking HERE.
NOTE: Do not park in the WITC Conference Center Parking Lot or you will get a parking ticket. You can park in UWS Lots 13, 4 and 3 on Catlin Avenue, in the WITC STUDENT lot (across Mortorelli drive and behind WITC) or on Mortorelli Drive.
Due to the schedule change, events have opened up. If you want to be in the Packy or do more events, please e-mail Coach Kinsey ASAP and we can get you in. There is a deadline of 10pm tonight if you want to be added to the Packy. 5 per Event.
For those originally NOT in the Packy meet, you can remain in the Virginia Meet in the morning as originally planned. There are limits of 4 per event and two relays for the Virginia Meet so if you can attend we can probably find an event for you. You can e-mail and put in your requests a head of time. You may also be asked to fill in for the available entries at the Packy Meet in the afternoon.
There are MAXIMUM EVENTS an athlete can participate in per day which applies on Saturday with having two meets, so please check the lineup and check with a coach if you have questions. RULE: 4 Total Events: 3 Running/1 Field OR 3 Field/1 Running OR a max of 2 running events over 800m/2 Field. Example: you can run the 400m and Long Jump at the Packy and run the 60m and 400m at Virginia for a total of 3 running and 1 field.